A RoadmaP FOR a Healthy,
Thriving American Democracy


We, the undersigned Arizona voters, are committed to restoring the true essence of democracy in our state and nation. Arizona, as a pivotal swing state, plays a crucial role in shaping American democracy. We believe that the current state of our political system is plagued by influences that undermine the will and welfare of the people. It is time to address these issues to ensure a government that is truly of, by, and for the people.

We hereby support Putting Democracy Back in Democracy with the following objectives:

End Negative Campaigning

  • Advocate for campaigns that focus on constructive discourse and policy-based debates.

  • Implement regulations that hold candidates accountable for false and malicious statements.

Eliminate the Influence of Special Interest Money

  • End the disproportionate influence of wealthy donors and special interest groups in political campaigns and policymaking.

  • Implement robust campaign finance reform to ensure transparency and equity.

Combat Political Extremes

  • Foster a political environment that encourages moderation, compromise, and collaboration.

  • Promote policies that discourage divisive rhetoric and extreme partisan positions.

Reform Big Media

  • Encourage responsible journalism that prioritizes accurate, unbiased reporting over sensationalism and bias.

  • Support media literacy programs to help citizens discern reliable information from misinformation.

As Arizona voters, we recognize our unique position and responsibility in the national landscape. Our state’s decisions can significantly impact the direction of our country.

Therefore, we must ensure that our political system reflects the true will of the people. By signing this petition, we affirm our commitment to a fairer and truly democratic political system. We call on our elected representatives in Arizona to support and implement the principles and policies advocated by the Putting Democracy Back in Democracy movement.